Friday, April 20, 2012

Friday Five: Life Can Be So Taxing

I don't know about you, but I am so happy tax day has come and gone. Now I can stop waving to that statue of Liberty every time I end up driving downtown. Seeing a smiling man in a green dress and a foam crown does not make tax season any more pleasant, just saying. So hopefully you filed your taxes on time and hopefully you got a good chunk of change back from the government. Here are a few ideas about how to spend it. 1. Put in that swimming pool you always wanted.
2. Take a family vacation to some exotic location... like Leavenworth or Spokane.
3. Quit your day job and start that cake decorating business you've been dreaming about.
4. Splurge on a professional photo shoot with your family... or just you and your pet.
5. Cry because you didn't actually get a tax return and now have to find a second job to pay off the money you owe.
What will you do with your tax return?

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