Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Hey There, Harborite: Stefanie Bennett

Name/Age: Stefanie Bennett/27

Where do you live: Cleveland Street /B street (but not for long! House hunting in Cosi!)

Profession/Day job: Member Service Representative (MSR) for TwinStar

Loyal to: the Bobcats, always and forever

Best Harbor Moment: I so do not have just one 'moment' it is a collection that makes up my whole life!  But as per instructions I am picking one...under protest...  My most current favorite moment was when my husband and I drove into town from California at 3:30 in the afternoon when we were moving home.  We had been living in Joshua Tree for  over a year and had experienced nothing but 120 degree weather.  The minute we drove into Raymond the skies opened up and it started to pour... in August! I have never felt so happy to be home in my whole life!

Favorite Coffee Stand: Coffee Brake, Cosmopolis.  However I am mostly partial because I worked there as a Barista on and off for about 10 years!

Favorite Local Business: Hometown Feed, that is what owning a new puppy will do to you! Make you into a pet store connoisseur, and Hometown is the best!

Grunge, Metal or Country: Country, but being married has also made me a rock fan too.. so Country/Metal

Beach, Forest or River: Beach, I cannot live away from the water... and I have tried (think High Desert, SoCal)

Favorite outdoor adventure or day trip: Motorcycle trip driving the "Beach Loop" on Ocean Beach Rd.  Takes one sunny day and many many stops at each of the little towns along the way but well worth the views and my favorite way to spend time with my husband!

Best way to stay dry on rainy days: Who wants to stay dry! Strap on some hiking boots and go out to Friends Landing for a wonderful wet weather walk.  I have always been more of a rain kind of girl than a sun kind of girl;) Benefits of growing up on the harbor!

Define the Harbor in one word: Evolving

If you could change one thing about the area, what would it be: I would love to see more community places that cater to outdoor gatherings.  Maybe a few dog parks because even though most dog owners have a back yard it would be great to have a place to take your dog so they can interact with other puppies!

Grays Harbor's best kept secret: Our network of rivers that crisscrosses the area affording great boating, kayaking, fishing and even some floatin' of the river

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