Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Let Me Introduce Myself

You might be starting to wonder where this blog came from and who is behind it... well, let me tell you.

It's quite the epic tale that involves five friends crossing rivers, deserts and the Washington/Oregon border to find themselves back in their homeland. Upon their return they began to wonder... where have all the cowboys people gone?

We love Grays Harbor and think it's an amazing place to be! We are surrounded by the ocean, rainforests and a great community and we want to acknowledge this awesomeness as well as spread the word. Mostly, we want to show all of you who live locally where to find the best food, drinks, entertainment, adventures and fun on the Harbor. Our ultimate goal is to see the local community grow and thrive.

So, the important thing here is that we want you involved! We have a number of blog posts planned that require your participation and we hope you will take this opportunity to share with us all that you love about living here. And please share this blog with your family and friends!

Over the next few Wednesdays, we will be introducing you to each of our blog contributors individually. If you want to get involved, contribute a story to our blog, have suggestions or just want to know who makes the best burger in town email us at

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with your project, nice to know not everyone has given up.
