Friday, September 28, 2012

Friday Five: Things Would be Better With Pumpkin

There is an unmistakable crispness whispering through yellowing leaves. Fall is officially here and for some reason, Mother Nature doesn't dawdle with autumn the way she does with summer.

There is good news though! The flavors of the season are now making their way back onto menus. Summer is great for sunshine, but I'm a sucker for pretty much anything pumpkin. So bring it on Autumn! While you're at it, here's a Friday Five with some suggestions on where extra doses of pumpkin would be welcome:

Dentist's Office
We all know dental appointments are important and oral health is tantamount to overall health, but that doesn't mean a regular cleaning is always a choice way to spend a few hours. Consider a waiting room with complimentary Pumpkin Spice Lattes. Do I have to wait 6 months before my next cleaning?

Cars are wonderful and convenient. Except when they inconveniently break down. Waiting for a mystery prognosis on why your ride is making that clicky-buzzy-voom sound is never going to be pleasant. Imagine how the day would go if you traded your keys at the mechanic for a slice of Pumpkin Bread. I know I would respond to my "Change Oil" light a little quicker.

Tax Time
For most Americans, tax time doesn't coincide with the fall festivities, but it should. Especially if in exchange for your perfectly paid and truthful taxes you get a slice (or 8) Pumpkin Pie. I'd consider filing quarterly.

Department of Motor Vehicles
Lost your ID? Time for a new plate? Taking a driver's test? Fun. Yep. Turn that frown into a holiday party with a dozen or so Chai Pumpkin Spice Cookies. Look who updates their address on their license!

Grocery Shopping
When the cupboards are bare and no one wants to eat cereal for dinner again it means it's time to go grocery shopping. For me it means schlepping the kids to the store, breaking up arguments about who is on who's side of the shopping cart car, resolving the issue of why we don't need 50 mylar balloons and prying handfuls of candy bars out of my 2 year old's hands and casually restocking the candy shelves in the checkout line. I could motivate myself to shopping more with a complimentary Pumpkin Roll.

How about you? What is your favorite flavor for fall? And what part of your day needs to be pumped with pumpkin?

Now I have to go stock up on pumpkin puree...

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