Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Memorize to save the books you love

I have always been a huge proponent of the public library.  Nay-Sayers for years said that the printed word is becoming obsolete, no need for books when we have computers.  This statement makes me cringe.  And no, I am not going to launch into a rant on how 'I love the feel of a real book, the smell of the pages, the weight of it', because, I too own a digital reader.  It isn't the same though, is it book fans?  Sure you get titles instantaneously and can change books in the blink of an eye, but its just not quite the same.  I think I pinpointed why on my last trip to the used book store. We use media on an almost daily basis.  Sitting in a Dr.'s office we check Pinterest and Facebook.  Shopping at the grocery store our lists are digitized and we look for recipes on the Internet, not in a cookbook.  There is so much media around us every day that sitting down to read a book on a digital reader is not as special, it is just an everyday "task".  Timberland Reads Together has put together and event that highlights what is special about the books we choose to read.

"Timberland Reads Together (TRT) is an annual program of the Timberland Regional Library District that promotes and celebrates reading and community. One book is chosen each year that has widespread appeal across various interests. Everyone in the five-county library district is encouraged to read the book and to attend free book discussions, author presentations, live performances and programs throughout the month of October at local Timberland libraries and other venues."(www.trl.org)

Tonight, at the Aberdeen Branch, the public can become a talking book.  Let the conversation begin with other book lovers about which book you would choose to memorize to save it from the censor's fires.  What books do you want to save for future generations?  Participants may read or recite from memory a short passage from the book of their choice. All readers are welcome to attend, whether they choose a title or not.  The books that are discussed will be used to construct a library of titles to save for the future.  Octobers TRT was Fahrenheit 451, a title often subjected to censorship.

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